BLOG POST: Article from The Big Issue, 2024
Indie bookshops survive closure
Article for The Big Issue 2024 INDEPENDENT BOOKSHOPS SURVIVE CLOSUREWe were asked to comment for the recent article published in The Big Issue. Please read here
BLOG POST: Taking Inspiration from Real Life Stories by Liz Trenow
Taking inspiration from real life stories By Liz Trenow, 2024, Colchester based best-selling author of The Secret Sister, The Last Telegram, The Forgotten Seamstress, The Silk Weaver, Searching for My Daughter and five other novels. When searching for inspiration for my novels
BLOG POST: What brings you here?
Is it Lemn Sissay saying 'Hourglass will stay with me for a long time?' Did he tempt you? Or perhaps it's Hollie McNish? 'A book for anyone who ever has been or ever will be heartbroken. So that's everyone'.Maybe it is Max
BLOG POST: First Impressions
It's cold. I mean really cold. Three, sometimes, four layers cold. It was one of the things that was brought to my attention when I had my interview for the post of bookseller way back in June last year."It gets
BLOG POST: Completing the jigsaw puzzle
Somebody today, asked what a typical day at the book shop looked like and we realised there is no typical day.We start off with grand plans to 'tidy up', which generally means, 'make more mess'.We always hoover and water the
BLOG POST: Nicholas Jubber returns to Red Lion Books
Never underestimate the gratitude that an author has for their readership (and the booksellers) who champion their work.On a cold January evening, Nicholas (Nick) Jubber travelled all the way from Dorset to speak with Red Lion Books - here in
BLOG POST: Silent Spring: a book that made a big noise.
Books are important in so many ways. They can move us, thrill us and entertain us. They can also inform and educate us.'Silent Spring' is one of the most influential books ever to have been published. It kick-started the environmental
BLOG POST: Robin Ince at Red Lion Books
Is he a stand-up comic, actor or radio presenter; a writer, or explorer of the human condition, is he a science communicator or a poet? Well, this is Robin Ince and he is all of these things and more.This afternoon
BLOG POST: An Event to celebrate ‘The Testaments’ launch
This was a truly memorable event for us and also for those who attended. Two indie bookshops were chosen by her publishers, Vintage (with input from Margaret Atwood herself) to launch The Testaments in the UK. We were chosen on
BLOG POST: What is this ‘Under Wraps’?!
It all started with 'Jolaokaflod'! This is an Icelandic term, translating to 'Christmas book flood' and is used to describe books that are gifted on Christmas Eve. At Red Lion Books we gift-wrapped a book wehoped our customers would love