Colchester has a long and illustrious history and that history is reflected in the many fine buildings that have survived through the centuries. This impressive volume records over a hundred timber framed buildings dating from late medieval and early post medieval periods, between 1349 and 1700. Some like the Red Lion Hotel, Tymperleys and the Siege House are well known and much loved historical landmarks. But many are buildings that we may walk pass without giving them a second thought, their facades rebuilt or replaced as shop fronts. Over many, many years the authors have grabbed any opportunity to explore, investigate and record the detailed structure of these building, undertaking surveys as renovation work is done and intrepidly crawling into inaccessible roof spaces to examine the exact jointing techniques of carpenters through the ages. The featured buildings have wonderfully detailed drawings of the wooded frames often still existing beneath the brick and plasterwork. Descriptions of the changes these buildings have undergone over time, reflect the changing economic and social history of the town. Also highlighted and illustrated by spectacular photographs are the fine details; the ornamentation still visible in oak beams hundreds of years old and the carved faces and figures visible on the exposed timberwork.
Wonderfully detailed, finely illustrated and beautifully presented this is a truly magnificent volume that will help anyone interested in the history of Colchester to look with new eyes at the buildings we so easily take for granted.
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