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by Lipp, Deborah

Bending the Binary : Polarity Magic in a Non-Binary World


Author: Lipp, Deborah

Magic, spells & alchemy

Published on 8 March 2023 by Llewellyn Publications,U.S. in the United States.

Paperback | 288 pages
152 x 229 x 20 | 384g

Break magical polarity free from outmoded ideas of gender and heteronormativity while still celebrating polar energy. This illuminating book explores polarity from many angles, examining how the idea has evolved throughout history, why it’s important in the occult, and what its relationship is to gender and sexual orientation. Deborah Lipp shows you what it means to both include polarity magic and be inclusive. Bending the Binary takes a deep look at how to add a third perspective to polar concepts in magic, including day and night, male and female, self and other, force and form. Deborah shares rituals, journal prompts, and detailed research to support each topic. She also teaches you how to incorporate binary-bending practices into your personal magical system. This groundbreaking book encourages everyone to expand their perceptions and strengthen their magic.

SKU: '9780738772622 Category:

Additional information

Weight0.384 kg
Dimensions15.2 × 22.9 × 2 cm


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